“Hydrocarbons” plunges into the complexities and contradictions of the oil era and thereby into the molecular basis of the technosphere. It is set within a multichannel multimedia installation that includes emblematic short scenes from the feature film Le salaire de la peur (The Wages of Fear, 1953). The section examines the geopolitical-industrial complex that drives petrochemistry and, by consequence, mobility, consumption, waste and adventure.

Experts: Dieter Hiller / Oxana Timofeeva / Jens Soentgen / Stephanie Lemenager / Alexander Ilitchevsky / Benjamin Steininger / Alexander Klose / Bernd Hopfengärtner
Related Publication by Benjamin Steininger: Ein Füllhorn des 20. Jahrhunderts, from 1948- Unbound. Entfesselung der technischen Gegenwart, Beilage in taz-die Tageszeitung, 30. November 2017